Anemia and its Classifications


Anemia and its classification

  • Anemia is a condition in which the oxygen-carrying capacity of blood is reduced..
  • They are characterized by the reduced numbers of RBC or decreased amount of hemoglobin in the blood.

Symptoms of anemia :

---> fatigue, cold body, paleness, etc.

Classification of anemia :

1. Iron deficiency anemia: 

---> Causes :- Inadequate absorption of Iron, excessive loss of Iron, increased Iron requirement or inadequate Iron intake.
---> Women are at the greater risk for this type of anemia due to menstrual blood lose or fetus devlepoment during pregnancy.

2. Megaloblastic Anemia:

---> Causes :- Inadequate intake of Vitamin B12 or folic acid. It may also caused by drugs that alter Gastric secretion or used to treat cancer.

---> Bone marrow produce large amount of abnormal RBCs (Megaloblasts)

3. Pernicious Anemia:

---> Causes :- Insufficient hemopoiesis -- by inability of stomach to produce intrensic factor -- needed for the absorption of Vitamin B12, in the small intestine.

4. Hemorrhagic Anemia:

---> Causes :- Excess loss of RBCs via bleeding (e.g. menstruation)

5. Hemolytic Anemia:

---> Causes :- Premature rupturing of RBC Plasma Membrane
Release hemoglobin into the plasma -- damage filtering units (glomeruli) in the kidney.
---> Due to  inheritance, parasites, toxins, antibodies from incompactible transfused blood.

6. Thalassemia:
---> Deficient synthesis of hemoglobin,  -- a group of hemolytic anemias
---> Symptoms: RBCs are small (microcytic), pale(hypochromic), & short lived
Primarily seen in the population of Mediterranean Sea.

7. Aplastic Anemia:
--->  Destruction of Red Bone Marrow -- caused by toxins, Gamma radiations and medicaments that inhibit enzymes needed for hemopoiesis.

 for further understanding You can refer the below video
